Missing teeth, gum pain, difficulty eating: Mosquito is carrying the calicivirus!
256 cans
256 cans
Capucine is a one-year-old cat that we struggled to socialise. Three weeks ago, she was lethargic, with a high fever and anaemia.
A diagnosis of haemobartonellosis in an advanced stage threatened her life. After undergoing a transfusion, she is now under close watch, receiving antibiotic and cortisone treatment twice daily.
Canned cat food could aid Capucine's recovery by providing her with a comprehensive and easy-to-consume diet. A daily refill of vitamins and proteins could help her regain her vitality!
We have had so many kittens handed over to us that it has become impossible to meet all demands! Currently, we are managing around forty little ones. The situation is made all the more complicated by the fact that donations are at an all-time low…