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Blankets for Tiny

Abscesses, kidney problems, missing teeth: poor Tiny is plagued with health issues!
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Blankets for Tiny
Abscesses, kidney problems, missing teeth: poor Tiny is plagued with health issues!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Abscesses, kidney problems, missing teeth: poor Tiny is plagued with health issues!

1. He was in a dire state!

Tiny is a cat of about ten years old, whom we found covered in abscesses. Tragically, he carries FIV, which makes him vulnerable and prevents him from healing effectively.

He was also terribly thin due to kidney failure... So we placed him in a foster home.

2. He has no teeth left...

Tiny's teeth were so badly damaged that we had to remove them all. He is now unable to chew his food at all!

3. Blankets would allow him to recover comfortably

A set of blankets would offer a little comfort to Tiny, offering him great relief. He can snuggle in them for rest, and will be kept warm when winter comes back around!

4. We have many sick kittens and adults to take care of...

Things are really tough at the moment. We're looking after more than 150 animals, many of them kittens, often coming from large litters, and several with leukaemia! Our resources are stretched, making things even more difficult...

Association A Pas De Chats
2 rue Victor Hugo
59494 Petite-Forêt
FR France

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