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Canned food for Caïn

Breathing difficulties, pus-filled noses, watery eyes: Cain has a severe case of cat flu!
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Canned food for Caïn
Breathing difficulties, pus-filled noses, watery eyes: Cain has a severe case of cat flu!

288 cans

288 cans

Breathing difficulties, pus-filled noses, watery eyes: Cain has a severe case of cat flu!

1. He is ill...

Cain is a three-month-old kitten, who was found with severe cat flu. Poor thing is really struggling with his respiratory system! His nose and eyes are also running, which is wearing him out a lot. We are therefore closely monitoring him, trying our best to help him get better...

2. Canned food can help him regain weight

Age appropriate canned food would be a great help to Cain to regain strength, by providing a nutrient-rich diet.

It would help strengthen him, and allow him to regain better health, to continue his growth more peacefully than it had started.

3. We have lots of sick kittens and adult cats to manage...

The situation is very tense at the moment. We are managing more than 150 animals, many of them kittens, often from large litters, with several cases of feline leukemia! Resources are limited which makes things even more complicated...

Association A Pas De Chats
2 rue Victor Hugo
59494 Petite-Forêt
FR France

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