Difficult breathing, congested bronchial tubes, sneezing: Velcro often has relapses of cat flu!
256 cans
256 cans
Praline is a two-year-old female cat who was found with severe cat flu. She is having a lot of trouble with her respiratory tract, poor thing!
She also has a runny nose and eyes, which are making her very tired. We are keeping a close eye on her, trying to care for her as best we can...
Appetizing canned cat food could help Praline regain her strength, offering her a diet rich in nutrients. It would contribute to her recovery, and would enable her to regain some form.
Things are very tense at the moment. We manage over 150 animals, many of which are kittens, often from large litters, with numerous cases of feline leukaemia! The resources are limited making things even more complicated...