Separated from his mother too early, Noiraud has remained vulnerable...
132 cans
132 cans
Stanley is a 16-year-old dog, who has lost around 10 kilos in a short amount of time. He also suffers from breathing difficulties. According to the vet, this decline in health would be related to hypoglycaemia...
With canned food suitable for senior dogs, Stanley could quickly replenish his energy. Rich in proteins and vitamins, such food would effectively assist him with weight gain, and return to a general improved state of health.
We've stopped all intakes from outside the local area and now only manage local cases, due to several abandonments. Since the last lockdown, the situation remains difficult, and our food stocks are depleted...
We still have numerous residents to take care of, most of whom will live out the rest of their lives at the association! Paying for their care and treatments also represents a significant financial burden...