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Canned food for Tiny

Abscess, kidney problems, missing teeth: poor Tiny is plagued with health troubles!
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Canned food for Tiny
Abscess, kidney problems, missing teeth: poor Tiny is plagued with health troubles!

192 cans

192 cans

Abscess, kidney problems, missing teeth: poor Tiny is plagued with health troubles!

1. He was in a terrible state!

Tiny is a cat around ten years old, whom we found covered in abscesses. Unfortunately, he carries FIV, which makes him vulnerable and hinders his healing process.

He was also very thin, due to kidney failure... So, we placed him in a foster home.

2. He has no teeth left...

Tiny's teeth were so damaged that we had to remove them all. Because of this, he can't chew his food at all!

3. Specific canned food will help him gain weight

Canned cat food, specifically designed to be easy on the kidneys, could help Tiny gain weight in a healthy way, by providing him a nutrient-rich diet.

4. We have a lot of ill kittens and adults to manage...

The situation is very tense at the moment. We are managing over 150 animals, many of which are kittens, often from large litters, with several cases of feline leukaemia! Limited resources make things even more challenging...

Association A Pas De Chats
2 rue Victor Hugo
59494 Petite-Forêt
FR France

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