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Pellets for Pepette

Due to an injury, poor Pepette is limping!
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Pellets for Pepette
Due to an injury, poor Pepette is limping!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Due to an injury, poor Pepette is limping!

1. She struggles to move...

Pepette is a 15-year-old donkey who has a tear above her knee (it's unknown how she got it) causing her to limp. To allow the injury to heal, she mustn't walk. We've therefore provided her with shelter and are giving her anti-inflammatory medication.

2. Pellets would help her regain strength

A rich and balanced diet would be perfect for Pepette. It would afford her the opportunity to healthily replenish her energy while waiting to recover.

3. Times are particularly tough financially...

Several animals we care for have had health issues, which have incurred significant costs. With new kittens arriving and our 200 wards to look after, we're financially overwhelmed!

Association Au Bonheur des Chats Libres
Bp 61352
25006 Besancon cedex
FR France

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