Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 24/09/2024, unfortunately, the association was not able to take pictures :(
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Canned food for Gouda

Poor Gouda was cooped up with 30 cats in a mere 7m²!
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Canned food for Gouda
Poor Gouda was cooped up with 30 cats in a mere 7m²!

256 cans

256 cans

Poor Gouda was cooped up with 30 cats in a mere 7m²!

1. He has lived through extraordinarily hard conditions…

Gouda is an 11-year-old cat who was seized due to abuse. Poor Gouda was confined in a 7m² area, together with about thirty other cats! The conditions were so unsanitary, he had chronic cat flu when he arrived…

2. He has calicivirus!

We have managed to treat his cat flu, but Gouda ended up developing calicivirus. Some of his teeth were extracted to relieve his discomfort, in addition to the injections he regularly receives. Nonetheless, eating kibble remains painful for him.

3. Canned food would help him regain strength easily

Suitable canned food could provide Gouda with easier-to-consume nutrition compared to kibbles. This way, he could regain his strength without any pain! Eating his fill every day would truly be a relief for him, after all that he has been through.

4. Many distressed toms depend on us!

With the rate of inflation, it’s difficult to find partnering stores to organise trolley drives. Donations are decreasing, even as we are responsible for the welfare of 250 cats - many of whom live on the streets or are unadoptable.

Association AMICAT (Protection animale)
Maison des associations, Avenue des Potiers
59500 Douai
FR France

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