Due to a lack of care and insufficient food, Princesse arrived in a pitiful state!
192 cans
192 cans
Grizou is an 11 year old cat, who has chronic cheilitis. This disease is not operable, and causes him severe inflammation inside his mouth.
He is therefore under treatment, but has little chance of recovery because his immune defenses are weakened by FIV (feline immunodeficiency syndrome).
Due to liver problems, Grizou occasionally suffers from severe diarrhoea, which recurs and causes him to lose weight as soon as he no longer benefits from an appropriate diet...
Canned gastrointestinal pet food would efficiently help Grizou regain energy on a daily basis. They're specially designed to be gentle on the intestines and easy to swallow, so they'd be perfect for him!
With inflation, it's hard to find partner stores to organise trolley operations. Donations are down, even though we currently care for 250 cats, many of which are living on the streets or unadoptable.