Poor Toronto is skeletal!
192 cans
192 cans
Noam is a two-month-old kitten, whose mother sadly passed away after being hit by a car. Unfortunately, he's suffering from cat flu which is putting a strain on his bronchial tubes. His nose is also constantly running, making him quite weak!
Infested with worms, little Noam is dealing with severe diarrhoea. His body, therefore, can’t properly absorb the nutrients from his food...
In addition to deworming treatment, gastrointestinal canned food could help reduce Noam’s diarrhoea by calming his digestive system. This might facilitate his recovery and let him regain his strength more quickly. Despite the obstacles, he can then continue to grow!
We've run out of donations and we're getting no help. Veterinary expenses have skyrocketed this summer with several cat and kitten deaths. One poor kitty was even poisoned!
Due to insufficient funds, the food stock is completely depleted. Everything has become unmanageable... we're on the brink of shutting down!