Animal Webaction
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Canned food for Shark

Poor Shark has been blind since birth!
photo association
Canned food for Shark
Poor Shark has been blind since birth!

256 cans

256 cans

Poor Shark has been blind since birth!

1. She sees nothing...

Shark is a four-year-old cat that we took in when she was just a kitten. She has a cranial malformation and has been blind since birth. Due to this disability, no one wants to adopt her...

2. Appetizing canned food could help her regain her strength

Odorous containers of cat food would be easier for Shark to locate than dry biscuits. They would provide her with the nutrients she needs to replenish her energy and stay healthy despite the struggles her disability presents.

3. Thousands of cats depend on us!

We are constantly struggling, due to the number of sterilisations to be carried out. The association currently cares for nearly 1,000 feral cats, spread out over 30 feeding sites!

Our only income comes from donations, which have dramatically decreased... Our budget is therefore too sparse to purchase special food for the cats that need it.

Association Adoption Féline Estuaire
villa Méridienne
58 bd Marsan de Montbrun
33780 Soulac sur mer
FR France
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