Poor Grinch is suffering from chronic diarrhoea...
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Grizou, an 11-year-old cat, suffers from chronic cheilitis. This disease, which is not operable, causes him severe inflammation inside his mouth.
Grizou is under treatment but his chances of recovery are slim due to his weakened immune system caused by FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus).
As a result of liver problems, Grizou sometimes suffers from severe diarrhoea, which causes him to lose weight whenever he does not have access to an appropriate diet...
A set of blankets for Grizou would help him retain body heat more efficiently when winter comes. He would then benefit from a more restorative rest, which would help him to regain his strength.
With the rise of inflation, it is difficult to find partnered stores willing to organise 'caddy operations'. Donations are dwindling, whilst we need to take care of 250 cats, many of whom are street cats or are unadoptable.