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Blankets for Fleur

Ill and recently operated on, Fleur is very vulnerable...
photo association
Blankets for Fleur
Ill and recently operated on, Fleur is very vulnerable...

35,571 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

7 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Ill and recently operated on, Fleur is very vulnerable...

1. She has just had an operation...

Fleur is a four-year-old feral cat who has calicivirus. To help her, we recently took her to the vet for dental extraction. During the operation, she was also sterilised and identified. She is now recovering at my place.

2. Blankets would keep her nice and warm

With blankets, Fleur could snuggle up out of the cold this winter. No longer having to sleep directly on the ground would be a real relief for her, and would allow her to have a more restorative rest.

3. The costs are piling up!

This year, we have taken in kittens, most of whom were sick. We also have to feed 50 feral cats, which constitutes significant costs! Unfortunately, we are running short on budget, and we desperately need your help...

Association Association C.A.T.S. - Chat Animal Terrien Solidarité -
49 rue Claude Terrasse
75016 Paris
FR France

Product offered to Fleur

Multicoloured fleece blanket 130 x 170

7.58 € TTC / m2
  • Ce plaid de haute qualité robuste - qualité 180 g/m²
  •  100% polyester et lavable à 30°C
  • Couverture très douce au toucher
  • Taille: 130 x 170 cm (une couverture fait 22 100 cm2)

This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland

Multicoloured fleece blanket 130 x 170

  • Ce plaid de haute qualité robuste - qualité 180 g/m²
  •  100% polyester et lavable à 30°C
  • Couverture très douce au toucher
  • Taille: 130 x 170 cm (une couverture fait 22 100 cm2)

This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland

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