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Canned food for Simba

Poor Simba can't manage to eat his kibble...
photo association
Canned food for Simba
Poor Simba can't manage to eat his kibble...

4.61 cans

256 cans

4 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Poor Simba can't manage to eat his kibble...

1. He struggles a lot with chewing…

Simba is a six-year-old cat who we took in following the passing of his previous owner. Regrettably, he can't manage dry cat food as he's unable to chew them.

2. His health is fragile!

Simba occasionally has blood in his stool. Therefore, we must keep a watchful eye on his kidneys in case this worsens…

3. With canned food, he could regain energy effortlessly

Easy-to-digest canned food would enable Simba to feed without difficulty. This would be an opportunity for him to healthily recover his strength, without exacerbating his health issues.

4. People can no longer take care of their pets…

We're overwhelmed with abandonments lately. Many people no longer have the financial means to take care of their pets, which has resulted in a significant increase in admissions…

Association 4 Sabots et un Fer
Le Hubert
61190 Saint-Maurice-lès-Charencey
FR France
Contact the beneficiary

Product offered to Simba

Barquette Animonda pour chat - Vom Feinsten au saumon et à la crevette - 100 g

1.01 € TTC / cans

Nourriture humide pour chat adulte : des repas complets et équilibrés à base de viandes variées et soigneusement sélectionnées.

Poids net : 100 g

Composition : 42% de viande et sous-produits d'origine animale (volaille, porc), poisson et sous-produits de poisson (15% saumon), mollusques et crustacés (6% crevettes), minéraux.

Composants analytiques : 

Humidité 80,5 %
Protéine brute 11,5 %
Matière grasse brute 4,7 %
Cendres brutes 1,6 %
Fibres brutes 0,3 %

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

Barquette Animonda pour chat - Vom Feinsten au saumon et à la crevette - 100 g

Nourriture humide pour chat adulte : des repas complets et équilibrés à base de viandes variées et soigneusement sélectionnées.

Poids net : 100 g

Composition : 42% de viande et sous-produits d'origine animale (volaille, porc), poisson et sous-produits de poisson (15% saumon), mollusques et crustacés (6% crevettes), minéraux.

Composants analytiques : 

Humidité 80,5 %
Protéine brute 11,5 %
Matière grasse brute 4,7 %
Cendres brutes 1,6 %
Fibres brutes 0,3 %

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

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