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Canned food for Ulysse

A fire has burned poor Ulysses on his paws, ears and head...
photo association
Canned food for Ulysse
A fire has burned poor Ulysses on his paws, ears and head...

24.29 cans

192 cans

4 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

A fire has burned poor Ulysses on his paws, ears and head...

1. He was severely burned in a fire...

Ulysse is a cat of almost two years, who was severely burned in a fire at the association's premises last year. His ears, face and paws were all affected by the flames!

Since then, he has been struggling to eat... So we are providing him with treatments to help him as much as we can.

2. Canned food would allow him to eat without pain

A wet diet would be the most suitable for Ulysse's burns. It would be the best way for him to regain his strength gently, after what he's been through. Poultry canned food is the only type for which he still has an appetite... it would do a world of good for his morale!

3. The fire devastated everything!

Since the fire, we have been trying to rebuild, but donations have decreased! Only four cats survived the flames, two of which were severely burned...

Since then, I've taken on about twenty new cats, but resources are lacking, and the necessary care for the animals is costly...

Association Rohini et Compagnie
11 Haute Rue
35134 Coesmes
FR France

Product offered to Ulysse

Barquette Animonda pour chat - Integra Protect Sensitive à la dinde pure - 100 g

1.50 € TTC / cans

Aliment humide sans céréales pour les chats souffrant d'intolérances alimentaires, de diarrhées aigües, de vomissements, de démangeaisons ou de perte de poils, une seule source de protéines animales.

Poids net : 100 g 

Composition : Dinde 63%, carbonate de calcium, d'huile de colza 0,4%, chlorure de sodium.

Composants analytiques : 

Protéines 11 %
Graisses 5,6 %
Cellulose brute 0,4 %
Cendres brutes 1,6 %
Humidité 80 %
Acide linoléique 1 %
Taurine 1,35 g / kg

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

Barquette Animonda pour chat - Integra Protect Sensitive à la dinde pure - 100 g

Aliment humide sans céréales pour les chats souffrant d'intolérances alimentaires, de diarrhées aigües, de vomissements, de démangeaisons ou de perte de poils, une seule source de protéines animales.

Poids net : 100 g 

Composition : Dinde 63%, carbonate de calcium, d'huile de colza 0,4%, chlorure de sodium.

Composants analytiques : 

Protéines 11 %
Graisses 5,6 %
Cellulose brute 0,4 %
Cendres brutes 1,6 %
Humidité 80 %
Acide linoléique 1 %
Taurine 1,35 g / kg

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

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