Deemed too slow to race, Fred was destined for the slaughterhouse...
192 cans
192 cans
Ruben is an eight-year-old cat that was rescued after being shot at. Poor thing is riddled with pellets! Traumatised, he experiences epileptic seizures during hunting days when he hears gunshots...
Ruben suffers from a severe calicivirus infection, persisting despite treatments. Sometimes his pain is so intense that he is unable to eat dry food. On top of this, his medication has weakened his digestive system...
Canned wet food would help Ruben eat without suffering. Specialised for gastrointestinal sensitivities, this would enable him to regain energy during crises without impacting his digestive system.
We receive requests for care every day, but the situation is becoming tough to manage. Many of the cats we rescue are in a poor health condition, often suffering neglect or trauma…
Despite our efforts, we struggle to find homes for the kittens, and our resources are becoming increasingly limited!