Animal Webaction
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We can't let these 200 stray cats starve!

Urgent! In Narbonne, Jocelyne is almost out of kibble to feed the 200 stray cats she cares for... they are going to starve!
photo association
We can't let these 200 stray cats starve!
Urgent! In Narbonne, Jocelyne is almost out of kibble to feed the 200 stray cats she cares for... they are going to starve!

117.54 kg
Dry food offered

1,000 kg
Dry food necessary

2 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

1. In France, Jocelyne is running out of kibble to feed the 200 stray cats that rely on her… They’re going to starve if no one steps in to help!

"Our organization manages 15 feeding sites around Narbonne and the surrounding areas. That means feeding over 200 cats, which requires a tremendous amount of kibble. Right now, our supplies are almost gone — we’re down to just 2 or 3 bags, that’s it! We’re already reducing the portions we distribute to stretch them as much as possible, and we’ve had to cut back on the frequency of our visits: the cats are now only fed every other day. It’s a very tight situation…

To make matters worse, we just discovered a new site at a landfill. There are several pregnant cats and some nursing mothers… We estimate the total number to be around 50-60 cats. It’s overwhelming for our small association! We just managed to spay 13 cats at this site using the last sterilization vouchers from the City Hall. A few kittens are still young enough to be socialized and put up for adoption, but many are already too wild and had to be returned to the site.

Some of the cats are in very poor health and fight constantly, they’re covered in injuries. Winter is coming, and if we can’t replenish our supplies, it’s going to be a disaster for them! We won’t be able to help them at all."

2. Dozens of cats were just discovered at a new site: starving, malnourished, and suffering from severe poisoning—they won’t survive without kibble!

"These cats are already suffering from health issues due to inbreeding and are not being fed properly—they survive on all kinds of trash… We found plastic and wire in their droppings! They don’t have enough to eat…

The other day, we were contacted to rescue a kitten from this site, about 4 months old, who was having seizures. We rushed him to the vet immediately, and he had to be hospitalized. He likely suffered from poisoning, which is almost inevitable in these conditions.

We know that the people in charge of this site have nothing to do with this situation, they've simply discovered these cats, they're allowing us to help them and they're protecting them the way they can. But they can’t feed them, and neither can we until we have enough kibble. We have to find a solution to stop these cats from enduring more suffering."

3. Casse-cou suffers from a chronic illness, and relies entirely on the kibble Jocelyne brings him, he can’t survive without it!


"I’ve known Casse-cou for about a year, but he’s never let anyone touch him. He’ll come closer for food, but always keeps a safe distance. Unfortunately, he suffers from a chronic form of cat flu.

He’s one of about fifteen cats we feed in an old barn. Because he’s so fearful, we can’t take him in or put him up for adoption, which means he has no other options if we can’t keep bringing him kibble… And yet, he’s still fairly young, probably under five years old.

When it comes to food, Casse-cou has a strong personality, he growls and fights to make sure he can eat. So, without kibble, he’s not just at risk of going hungry, but also of getting into fights and getting injured!"

4. Overwhelmed by vet bills and a drop in donations, Jocelyne is struggling to cope with the growing number of cats in need.

"The donations we receive are really unpredictable, it all depends on people’s goodwill. No matter how hard we try, we don’t get much. Our last supermarket drive was very small, and that was back in June. It’s understandable; people are asked for help all the time, and purchasing power is shrinking.

To make up for it, I buy a few bags here and there, but I can’t do it alone, I only have a small retirement pension! Plus, we have a lot of vet expenses. Recently, we took in a kitten with a broken leg and a cat that needed an eye removed. We put out calls for donations on social media, but we only raised €180 out of the €1,000 needed…

It’s the same for kibble: we put out a request for kitten kibble on social media, but we didn’t get a single bag. And it’s kitten season, so we’re stuck! Not to mention this new site that just got dropped on us… This situation is terrible; we’re overwhelmed. We keep finding cats in desperate need, but we’re running out of everything…"

5. Jocelyne isn’t asking for money, only kibble to keep the street cats from starving.

"I’ve always loved cats. I started out as a foster, and one day, I thought: why not create my own organization? That’s how the association was born in June 2022. I’m retired now and have a background as a caregiver. For a while, I did a few hours of cleaning work to supplement my income so I could buy kibble for the cats. But my health is deteriorating, and I can’t do it anymore…

It’s made it really difficult for me to feed the cats. I can’t kneel or squat anymore… I know my condition won’t improve, and it’s even more heartbreaking when I think of the cats who depend on me.

Our association has ten volunteers, all women, most of them single mothers. They’re amazing and take care of the feeding sites, but unfortunately, they don’t have the means to buy kibble either… The situation feels impossible!"

5. Animal Webaction can deliver kibble to help the association's cats!

6. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail. 

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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Association Les Miss'tigris de l'Espoir
17c boulevard 1848
11100 Narbonne
Contact the beneficiary

Offered product

Complete kibble for Cats

3.80 € TTC / kg

Composition : Poulet déshydraté, viande fraîche de poulet et de dinde (20%), riz (15%), pois (8%), oeuf déshydraté, hydrolysat de protéines animales, avoine (5%), maïs, orge, pulpe de betterave, graisse de poulet, carotte déshydratée (1%), graines de lin (0,9%), lignocellulose, minéraux, huile de poisson (0,6%),MOS (mannane-oligosaccharides),FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides),extrait d’agrumes. ADDITIFS NUTRITIONNELS: Vitamine A 27 000 UI, vitamine D3 1 800 UI, vitamine E 200 mg, vitamine B6 (chlorhydrate de pyridoxine) 14,2 mg, taurine 1 500 mg/kg, fer (sous forme de sulfate de fer(II) monohydraté) 70 mg, iode (sous forme d’iodure de potassium) 1,62 mg, cuivre (sous forme de chélate de cuivre(II) d’acides aminés hydraté) 9 mg, manganèse (sous forme de chélate de manganèse d’acides aminés hydraté) 45 mg, zinc (sous forme de chélate de zinc d’acides aminés hydraté) 39 mg, zinc (sous forme de sulfate de zinc monohydraté) 92 mg, sélénium (sous forme de sélénométhionine produite par Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC R646) 0,2 mg. Avec des antioxydants et des conservateurs.

Composants analytiques:

Protéines brutes 32%, Teneur en matières grasses 14%, Fibres brutes 2,2%, Cendres brutes 7,8%, Humidité 9%

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

Complete kibble for Cats

Composition : Poulet déshydraté, viande fraîche de poulet et de dinde (20%), riz (15%), pois (8%), oeuf déshydraté, hydrolysat de protéines animales, avoine (5%), maïs, orge, pulpe de betterave, graisse de poulet, carotte déshydratée (1%), graines de lin (0,9%), lignocellulose, minéraux, huile de poisson (0,6%),MOS (mannane-oligosaccharides),FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides),extrait d’agrumes. ADDITIFS NUTRITIONNELS: Vitamine A 27 000 UI, vitamine D3 1 800 UI, vitamine E 200 mg, vitamine B6 (chlorhydrate de pyridoxine) 14,2 mg, taurine 1 500 mg/kg, fer (sous forme de sulfate de fer(II) monohydraté) 70 mg, iode (sous forme d’iodure de potassium) 1,62 mg, cuivre (sous forme de chélate de cuivre(II) d’acides aminés hydraté) 9 mg, manganèse (sous forme de chélate de manganèse d’acides aminés hydraté) 45 mg, zinc (sous forme de chélate de zinc d’acides aminés hydraté) 39 mg, zinc (sous forme de sulfate de zinc monohydraté) 92 mg, sélénium (sous forme de sélénométhionine produite par Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC R646) 0,2 mg. Avec des antioxydants et des conservateurs.

Composants analytiques:

Protéines brutes 32%, Teneur en matières grasses 14%, Fibres brutes 2,2%, Cendres brutes 7,8%, Humidité 9%

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

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