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photo association

Blankets for Nina

Damaged teeth, heart weakness, gum swelling: Nina is facing one issue after another!
photo association
Blankets for Nina
Damaged teeth, heart weakness, gum swelling: Nina is facing one issue after another!

31,901 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

8 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Damaged teeth, heart weakness, gum swelling: Nina is facing one issue after another!

1. She suffered a respiratory arrest during surgery...

Nina is a ten-year-old cat whose vet operated to remove teeth that were rotting at the roots.

The intervention had to be interrupted, as Nina's heart couldn't stand the anaesthesia and she suffered a respiratory arrest!

2. She has a lump in her gums!

Nina survived the operation. But she has a worrying lump in her gum that cannot be removed (it would be too risky to operate again). We're awaiting the results of the biopsy to find out whether it's a malignant tumour.

3. Blankets would keep her warm

While waiting for more information about her health state, Nina will need to recover. Blankets would keep her away from the cold, offering her a comfortable and safe place to rest.

4. People donate less than before...

The association has been running for ten years, caring for free-living and foster cats. Currently, we have almost a hundred to care for!

Regrettably, donations are insufficient to care and feed all of them. As there are many associations in the area, shopping trolley operations do not work well...

Association L'Arche de Véra
8 chemin Gaude Maria
77760 Larchant
FR France

Product offered to Nina

Multicoloured fleece blanket 130 x 170

7.58 € TTC / m2
  • Ce plaid de haute qualité robuste - qualité 180 g/m²
  •  100% polyester et lavable à 30°C
  • Couverture très douce au toucher
  • Taille: 130 x 170 cm (une couverture fait 22 100 cm2)

This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland

Multicoloured fleece blanket 130 x 170

  • Ce plaid de haute qualité robuste - qualité 180 g/m²
  •  100% polyester et lavable à 30°C
  • Couverture très douce au toucher
  • Taille: 130 x 170 cm (une couverture fait 22 100 cm2)

This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland

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