Constant watering of the eyes, runny nose, fatigue: poor Blanco has a serious case of cat flu!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Nina is a ten-year-old cat whose vet operated to remove teeth that were rotting at the roots.
The intervention had to be interrupted, as Nina's heart couldn't stand the anaesthesia and she suffered a respiratory arrest!
Nina survived the operation. But she has a worrying lump in her gum that cannot be removed (it would be too risky to operate again). We're awaiting the results of the biopsy to find out whether it's a malignant tumour.
While waiting for more information about her health state, Nina will need to recover. Blankets would keep her away from the cold, offering her a comfortable and safe place to rest.
The association has been running for ten years, caring for free-living and foster cats. Currently, we have almost a hundred to care for!
Regrettably, donations are insufficient to care and feed all of them. As there are many associations in the area, shopping trolley operations do not work well...