Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 21/10/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Emile (niche incluse)

The elderly Emile sadly has nowhere to go and has been living on the streets for years!
photo association
Canned food for Emile (niche incluse)
The elderly Emile sadly has nowhere to go and has been living on the streets for years!

180 cans

180 cans

The elderly Emile sadly has nowhere to go and has been living on the streets for years!

1. He had a severe abscess…

Emile is a cat of roughly 13 years of age, who'd broken a tooth and developed a severe abscess. We intervened by providing medical treatment, which greatly improved his health...

2. With canned food, he could eat without struggle

Canned wet food would present Emile with a palatable and easily digestible diet. This would not only give him much-needed nourishment, but also help him regain his strength, with a feeding regimen suited for his age.

3. He lives outdoors and has nowhere to go!

Emile has lived outdoors for at least six years, in a location we've tried our best to make secure. However, his advancing years and constant exposure to the elements are taking a toll on his health... We are extremely concerned for him, fearing he may not survive the upcoming winter without shelter.

4. A shelter would protect him from the cold and rain

The shelter Emile will receive as a bonus if his canned food collection succeeds (the door may vary)

With a shelter, Emile would have a safe haven from harsh weather and storms. He wouldn't have to sleep uncomfortably on the cold ground, and would recover more efficiently.

5. There are far too few adoptions…

We're constantly receiving calls for kittens in need of rescue, to the point where our capacity has reached its limit! The number of cats we care for keeps increasing, but adoptions have significantly slowed down this year...

Furthermore, many of our cats cannot be adopted due to their health complications or behaviour issues. Our resources are therefore dwindling!

3 rue des Naves
11420 Belpech
FR France

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