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photo association

Blankets for Ruben

Ever since he was shot, Ruben has been traumatised and suffering from epileptic seizures!
photo association
Blankets for Ruben
Ever since he was shot, Ruben has been traumatised and suffering from epileptic seizures!

42,180 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

4 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Ever since he was shot, Ruben has been traumatised and suffering from epileptic seizures!

1. He developed epilepsy after being shot at...

Ruben is an eight-year-old cat, who was rescued after being shot at. The poor thing's body is riddled with pellets! Traumatised, he now suffers from epilepsy on hunting days, when he hears gunshots...

2. He can no longer eat dry food!

Ruben has a severe calicivirus, which persists despite treatments. He is sometimes in too much pain to manage to eat dry food. Not to mention that his medication has weakened his intestinal sphere...

3. Blankets would protect him from the cold

A batch of blankets would allow Ruben to stay warm in a comfortable and secure space. Good thermal insulation would be beneficial for him, as it would help stabilise his physical condition and prevent further weakening of his health due to cold...

4. We're starting to be overwhelmed!

We receive rescue requests every day, but the situation is becoming difficult to manage. Many of the cats we take in are in poor condition, often having suffered neglect or trauma...

Despite our efforts, we struggle to find homes for the kittens, and our resources are increasingly limited!

Association Cosette
09120 Montégut-Plantaurel
FR France

Product offered to Ruben

Multicoloured fleece blanket 130 x 170

7.58 € TTC / m2
  • Ce plaid de haute qualité robuste - qualité 180 g/m²
  •  100% polyester et lavable à 30°C
  • Couverture très douce au toucher
  • Taille: 130 x 170 cm (une couverture fait 22 100 cm2)

This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland

Multicoloured fleece blanket 130 x 170

  • Ce plaid de haute qualité robuste - qualité 180 g/m²
  •  100% polyester et lavable à 30°C
  • Couverture très douce au toucher
  • Taille: 130 x 170 cm (une couverture fait 22 100 cm2)

This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland

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