Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 21/10/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Roucky

Swollen gums, sneezing, watery eyes: Roucky has cat flu and calicivirus!
photo association
Canned food for Roucky
Swollen gums, sneezing, watery eyes: Roucky has cat flu and calicivirus!

256 cans

256 cans

Swollen gums, sneezing, watery eyes: Roucky has cat flu and calicivirus!

1. He has a severe case of cat flu…

Roucky is a cat of around four years old, who arrived at the association with a highly virulent cat flu. His eyes and nose are running despite treatments, and he spends all his time sneezing!

2. He struggles to eat…

Roucky also has a calicivirus, which significantly hinders his ability to eat dry food. His gums were so inflamed that he had to have teeth extracted!

3. With canned food, he could eat without pain

Canned food would provide Roucky with a palatable and easy-to-ingest diet. This would give him the opportunity to boost his immune system and regain his energy, to be in better form.

4. There are far too few adoptions…

We are constantly receiving calls to take in kittens, to the point that our capacity is overwhelmed! The number of cats we care for is increasing, but adoptions have significantly slowed this year…

Furthermore, many of our cats are unadaptable, due to their pathologies or behaviour. Thus, we are running out of resources!

3 rue des Naves
11420 Belpech
FR France

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