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Canned food for Jimmy

Cough, teary eyes, blocked nose: Jimmy has a particularly virulent case of cat flu!
photo association
Canned food for Jimmy
Cough, teary eyes, blocked nose: Jimmy has a particularly virulent case of cat flu!

4.22 cans

256 cans

2 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Cough, teary eyes, blocked nose: Jimmy has a particularly virulent case of cat flu!

1. He's very ill, living rough!

Jimmy is an eight-year-old cat, living on the streets. Unfortunately, he has caught cat flu, a highly contagious disease among stray cats.

The disease is at an advanced stage: his nose is runny, he's coughing, sneezing and his eyes are constantly tearing up. We are therefore going to give him another course of antibiotics to help him get better.

2. Canned food would help him regain strength

Wet and appetising food would be beneficial for Jimmy. Such canned food would provide him with a diet rich in vitamins and proteins, perfect for regaining energy. It would also be a good way for him to ingest his medication!

3. We hardly have any stocks left!

We receive no subsidies for the association. We are only waiting for the vouchers from the Brigitte Bardot Foundation to be able to neuter the cats, as reproduction continues throughout the year.

Our food stocks are dwindling, even though about fifty free-living cats rely on us for feeding each day!

Association Les Mimichats
1 chemin de la Micrause
30820 Caveirac
FR France

Product offered to Jimmy

Barquette Animonda pour chat - Vom Feinsten au saumon et à la crevette - 100 g

1.01 € TTC / cans

Nourriture humide pour chat adulte : des repas complets et équilibrés à base de viandes variées et soigneusement sélectionnées.

Poids net : 100 g

Composition : 42% de viande et sous-produits d'origine animale (volaille, porc), poisson et sous-produits de poisson (15% saumon), mollusques et crustacés (6% crevettes), minéraux.

Composants analytiques : 

Humidité 80,5 %
Protéine brute 11,5 %
Matière grasse brute 4,7 %
Cendres brutes 1,6 %
Fibres brutes 0,3 %

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

Barquette Animonda pour chat - Vom Feinsten au saumon et à la crevette - 100 g

Nourriture humide pour chat adulte : des repas complets et équilibrés à base de viandes variées et soigneusement sélectionnées.

Poids net : 100 g

Composition : 42% de viande et sous-produits d'origine animale (volaille, porc), poisson et sous-produits de poisson (15% saumon), mollusques et crustacés (6% crevettes), minéraux.

Composants analytiques : 

Humidité 80,5 %
Protéine brute 11,5 %
Matière grasse brute 4,7 %
Cendres brutes 1,6 %
Fibres brutes 0,3 %

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

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