Filou has ulcers on his tongue and is having a lot of trouble eating...
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Tic is a three-month-old kitten we found on the roadside in July. Her eyes were stuck together, but she's been getting better. Although she is receiving care, she still struggles to put on weight...
A bundle of blankets would allow Tic to maintain warmth as she regains her health. A comfortable and warm environment would contribute to her well-being and recovery. This way, she can continue her growth more peacefully.
At the moment, we're taking care of 17 kittens, making a total population of 85 animals we're managing. People lack resources, the city council is not helping and donations are scarce. Luckily, the Bardot Foundation has given us some vouchers for neutering, but ever since our association was founded in 2015, the needs remain significant...