Diarrhoea, dehydration... poor Flocon was at the end of his tether when he arrived!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Tarzan is a two-month-old kitten, found in a water pipe with his siblings, on the side of a road. He must have lacked food, as he weighs barely 500 grams!
A batch of blankets would allow Tarzan to stay warm, while he regains his health. A soft and comfortable environment would contribute to his comfort. This could help him to continue his growth more calmly.
At the moment, we have 17 kittens to look after, with a total of 85 animals to manage. People lack resources, the local council is not helping us and donations are becoming scarce.
Fortunately, the Bardot Foundation has given us some vouchers for sterilisation, but the needs have remained high since the creation of the association in 2015...