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Blankets for Pipounet

Pipounet only weighed 364 grams when we took him in!
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Blankets for Pipounet
Pipounet only weighed 364 grams when we took him in!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Pipounet only weighed 364 grams when we took him in!

1. He was so skinny!

Pipounet is a three-month-old kitten, which we took in back in July. He weighed just 364 grams due to vomiting and diarrhoea which stopped him from getting any nutrients from his food! Thankfully, he is now slowly starting to get better...

2. Blankets would help him recover

Having a set of blankets would keep Pipounet warm, as he works to regain his strength. A soft and comfy environment would boost his comfort level. This would help enhance his growth development in a peaceful manner.

3. Donations are getting scarce!

At the moment, we have 17 kittens in our care, on top of a total of 85 animals that we manage. People lack resources, the local council offers no support and donations are few and far between.

Luckily, the Bardot Foundation gave us some vouchers for neutering, but since the establishment of the association in 2015, the needs have remained substantial...

Association Les Félins Concitoyens de Saint Eliph
3 résidence du pressoir
28240 saint-Eliph
FR France

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