Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 19/11/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Citrine

Little Citrine is suffering from heart failure and had to be hospitalised!
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Blankets for Citrine
Little Citrine is suffering from heart failure and had to be hospitalised!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Little Citrine is suffering from heart failure and had to be hospitalised!

1. He has a heart problem!

Citrine is a three-month-old kitten suffering from heart failure. Upon his arrival, his persistent cough raised the vet's suspicion. Currently, he is under observation at the clinic, where he is undergoing a treatment that looks promising…

2. Blankets would keep him warm while he recovers

A set of blankets would help Citrine stay warm and rest well, improving his chances of recovery. It would aid in conservation of his strength, especially during his convalescence, and enhance his current living conditions at the clinic.

3. We are lacking in donations and funding...

We are faced with a continuous influx of kittens, despite our efforts to neuter stray cats. With each of our foster homes being fully occupied, we find our capacity for care stretched to its limits...

The subsidy we are about to receive will help with the veterinary costs, but the supermarket operations no longer generate enough to feed all these little ones!

25, rue du Sancy
FR France

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