Poor Suzie was at risk of being left to fend for herself...
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Perle is a two-month-old kitten who was found at a feeding site. Unfortunately, poor Perle had developed an ear infection, which - without treatment - had turned into vestibular ataxia.
Her inner ear was affected, causing Perle to develop balance and coordination problems. Thankfully, we were able to take her under our wing and start her treatment. She is currently in a foster home.
A set of blankets would help Perle maintain her body heat when she rests, reducing the risk of her getting sick again. It would also shield her from any draughts, which are common as we come into autumn!
At the moment, we're strapped for funds to accommodate all the care requests. Our association is the only active one in the area, leading us to manage several feeding sites...
There are about sixty stray cats out there, as well as about ten kittens in foster care, depending on us. Between purchasing the canned food and fuel costs, we're struggling to make ends meet by the end of the month!