Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 14/11/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Édouard

Injured in a paw, Édouard can no longer put it on the ground!
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Canned food for Édouard
Injured in a paw, Édouard can no longer put it on the ground!

256 cans

256 cans

Injured in a paw, Édouard can no longer put it on the ground!

1. He urgently needs care...

Édouard is a two-year-old cat, living outdoors. He has injured one of his paws, which is now swollen. He is unable to put weight on it or even rest it on the ground... We are therefore trying to catch him to get him the medical care he needs.

2. Canned food could help us gain his trust and take him to the vet

Appetising and tasty canned food would help us gain Édouard's trust in order to take him to the vet, where he could receive the care he needs. This type of food would also be an excellent source of nutrients, allowing him to replenish his energy.

3. The budget shortfall is becoming more and more problematic!

This year, stores have refused to organise food collection drives. Unfortunately, those who feed the cats simply can't afford to buy the food themselves, and the association lacks the funds to help them out...

With 350 cats to look after, we have to prioritise care. But our food supplies are dwindling and getting close to running out... We have no idea what we are going to do. With winter approaching, the situation is becoming increasingly worrisome!

Association Association de Protection Animale des Hautes Corbières
10 avenue du Termenès
11330 Félines-Termenès
FR France

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