Inflamed feet, struggling to walk... due to lack of care, poor Glossy has developed laminitis!
6.19 cans
288 cans
4 days
left to succeed
Vidok is a three-month-old kitten who was seized by the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and we took him in. Poor Vidok is always having diarrhoea, and he has lost a lot of weight! We are waiting for his test results, to focus the care he needs...
Canned wet kitten food could help Vidok replenish his energy efficiently. Balanced, high-quality, and easy to digest, it might alleviate his digestive discomfort, and finally help him regain strength!
As a newly established association, we do not yet have regular support and we lack resources for food.
Our collection operations in stores unfortunately cover only a small part of the needs. Without adequate support, we struggle to meet the necessary care for each animal we take in...
Nourriture humide pour chaton particulièrement délicieuse et facile à mâcher. Sans soja, sucre, ni céréales.
Poids net : 100 g
Composition : viande et sous-produits d'origine animale 63 % (20 % de volaille, porc, bœuf), minéraux.
Protéine | 10 % |
Teneur en matières grasses | 7 % |
Humidité | 80% |
Cendres brutes | 2 % |
Cellulose brute | 0,3 % |
This product can be delivered in the following countries:France