Minette had such severe cat flu that she developed an ear infection!
132 cans
132 cans
Marius is a 13-year-old dog from the island of Reunion. He is suffering from Ehrlichiosis, a tropical disease we are treating with a specific protocol. Moreover, he arrived diagnosed with testicular cancer and has undergone several surgical procedures relative to it.
Due to a lack of adequate care throughout his life, Marius arrived in a deteriorated state. We had to remove one damaged eye and extract several teeth. He also suffers from arthritis and has had ear surgeries due to recurrent ear infections.
A balanced, complete meal such as senior canned food could provide Marius with a healthy replenishment of energy after everything he has undergone. It would be an excellent source of vitamins and proteins, offering his body the necessary resources to recover following his operations.
A wave of humidity has compromised the health of the most vulnerable animals. Many have fallen ill, leading to unprecedented veterinary costs!
We are making calls for donations, but it remains insufficient to cover all the treatment and to provide the food they need…