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Blankets for Choupinette

With age, Choupinette has lost all her teeth!
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Blankets for Choupinette
With age, Choupinette has lost all her teeth!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

With age, Choupinette has lost all her teeth!

1. She can no longer eat kibble and has lost a lot of weight!

Choupinette is a 16-year-old cat who we took in after the death of her owner. She has a damaged eye, she is very thin and she has lost all her teeth, making it impossible for her to eat kibble.

2. To keep warm, she is going to need blankets

A batch of blankets would allow Choupinette to stay warm and rest better, despite the dropping temperatures and the return of humidity. This would be especially useful for her as she becomes more fragile with age.

3. We are at our wit's end!

We are facing a steady increase in the number of kittens, which is weighing heavily on our costs and bills each year. Faced with this, donations are insufficient which complicates the care of the animals... Managing the care and expenses has become a daily headache!

Association Les Chats de la Rue
Centre d'Animation de Beaulieu
10, boulevard Savari
FR France

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