Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 04/12/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Jacqueline

Poor Jacqueline was found outside, blind and toothless...
photo association
Canned food for Jacqueline
Poor Jacqueline was found outside, blind and toothless...

256 cans

256 cans

Poor Jacqueline was found outside, blind and toothless...

1. She is blind and toothless...

Jacqueline is a 14-year-old cat that we found on the street. As she's aged, she's become blind. Years of living outdoors have also progressively cost her all of her teeth, to the point where she can no longer chew food!

2. With canned food, she could regain her strength

Canned wet food would allow Jacqueline to refill her energy without any difficulty or risk to her health. In addition to providing great comfort by allowing her to eat to her heart's content, such a diet would be invaluable for keeping her well-hydrated.

3. Donations are not coming in...

We organise food drives, but contributions are decreasing as many people are short of resources.

Our veterinary costs are also significant! This situation jeopardises our ability to meet the needs of the animals under our care...

Association Dans les yeux de Leo
341 chemin de la Megre
13105 Mimet
FR France

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