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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/12/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Lolita (niche incluse)

Poor Lolita lives outside, with nowhere to shelter even though she is vulnerable!
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Canned food for Lolita (niche incluse)
Poor Lolita lives outside, with nowhere to shelter even though she is vulnerable!

180 cans

180 cans

Poor Lolita lives outside, with nowhere to shelter even though she is vulnerable!

In addition to canned food, this collection will allow Lolita to receive a kennel if the goal is reached.

1. Her kidneys were damaged!

Lolita is a one-year-old cat, who was found in a concerning state as she tried to give birth to her kittens. The complicated birthing process damaged her kidneys.

Therefore, we cared for her, sterilised her (her kittens were adopted), and returned her to her site, because she's very wild and couldn't stand staying indoors. Sadly, she's still quite weak.

2. Canned food would help her stay hydrated

Canned food would provide Lolita with the necessary nutrients to regain her strength. This would make her hydration easier, while sparing her kidneys. It would be a real comfort for her!

3. She lives outdoors and has nowhere to go!

Lolita lives outside, in a place where she has nowhere to take shelter. Being exposed to all weathers weakens her! Given her recent health problems, we are worried about her, and fear she won't survive the winter without shelter...

4. A kennel would protect her from cold and rain

The kennel that Lolita will receive as a bonus if her canned food collection is successful.

With a kennel, Lolita would have a safe place to go in case of severe cold and bad weather. She would no longer have to sleep directly on the ground in all weathers, and could recover more easily.

5. Hundreds of feral cats need our help!

Donations are not rising. We are facing constant expenses, with no new adoptions. With over 1,000 feral cats to feed and numerous sterilisations to manage, the situation is more than tense!

Association Adoption Féline Estuaire
villa Méridienne
58 bd Marsan de Montbrun
33780 Soulac sur mer
FR France
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