Recurrent gingivitis, cat flu... Jacinthe is at her wits' end!
200 kg
Pellets offered
200 kg
Pellets necessary
Hazard is a 32-year-old pony who has lost many of his teeth over time. These dental issues cause him significant difficulties when feeding: since he can't chew his food, he occasionally chokes!
Misting pellets would allow Hazard to feed without difficulty. With such a supplement, his risk of experiencing esophageal obstruction would be lessened. Benefitting from such a diet would also assist him in weathering the winter with more ease.
We are a sanctuary based in Brittany, which cares for farm animals and cats, who are often ill, aged or in the twilight of their lives. The number of cases we handle is multiplying, which is leading to substantial veterinary costs! We are presently responsible for 150 animals and need support to continue our mission...