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Pellets for Lara

Pregnant, Lara will need supplementary feeding before giving birth!
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Pellets for Lara
Pregnant, Lara will need supplementary feeding before giving birth!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Pregnant, Lara will need supplementary feeding before giving birth!

1. She's expecting a little one!

Lara is a three-year-old pony, whom we have taken in because her owner was becoming too old to look after her. It turns out she is pregnant and needs to gain strength to ensure a safe birth for her.

2. Pellets would help her stock up on energy

Providing Lara with pellets would help her gain strength for her foal's birth. It would then be an excellent means for her to stock up on essential nutrients, recuperate from the birth, and provide the best possible milk for her young one.

3.The veterinary bills are increasingly substantial...

We are a sanctuary based in Brittany, taking care of farm animals and cats, many of whom are ill, old or nearing the end of their lives. The number of animals we assist is growing, which generates significant vet fees! At the moment, we have the responsibility of 150 animals and need support to continue with this mission...

Association SOS Animaux, un Toit pour la Vie
Convenant Lan
22310 Plufur
FR France

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