Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/12/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Chuketta (niche incluse)

Purulent eyes, blocked nose: poor Chuketta lives outside with cat flu!
photo association
Canned food for Chuketta (niche incluse)
Purulent eyes, blocked nose: poor Chuketta lives outside with cat flu!

180 cans

180 cans

Purulent eyes, blocked nose: poor Chuketta lives outside with cat flu!

1. She's unwell!

Chuketta is a roughly two-year-old cat, abandoned whilst pregnant. She gave birth to and nourished three kittens. Currently, she is suffering from cat flu, sneezing and nondescript discharges from her eyes and nose...

2. Food tins would revive her energy

The canned food would provide valuable nutrients to Chuketta. The moisture in such food would be easier for her to consume and help in hydration while stimulating her appetite and bolstering her immune system.

3. She lives outside...

Chuketta lives at a feeding site near a cemetery. She has no shelter and often gets soaked due to rain! Given her current health woes, we're very worried and fear she might not survive the winter without shelter...

4. A kennel would shelter her from the cold and harsh weather

Bonus kennel will be given to Chuketta if her food tin collection is successful.

With a kennel, Chuketta would be able to shelter herself in extremely cold weather and adverse conditions. She would no longer need to sleep directly on the ground in all weathers and could recover more easily.

5. We are at a dead end!

We have approximately 200 cats to feed, located across different sites. Some have been victims of poisoning, which complicates the management of their care. Without donations or external help, feeding them adequately becomes an enormous challenge!

Association Les Chats-Pitresdelavi-Ste
33 rue de la Largade
n°463 / 1er étage
13015 Marseille
FR France

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