Deemed too slow to race, Fred was destined for the slaughterhouse...
192 cans
192 cans
Tigger is a four months old kitten with cat flu. His eyes are running, and he's sneezing constantly. So, we're giving him a treatment to help him get better.
Tigger suffers from giardiasis, a condition caused by intestinal parasites. Consequently, he experiences diarrhoea and vomiting; this exhausts him a lot! We're also providing a treatment for this.
The right canned food could provide nourishing meals for Tigger. Tasty and easy to digest, this form of diet would also make it easier for him to take his medications. It would be an excellent source of vitamins aiding his growth despite his ailments!
We have many rescues to manage, including a lot of often very sick or distressed kittens. Besides socializing these young cats, we also have about 80 other cats to feed and look after each day!
The association's resources are limited, and each new case increases the workload and the expenses…