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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/12/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Lilou (niche incluse)

Injured in one leg, poor Lilou has nowhere to take shelter!
photo association
Canned food for Lilou (niche incluse)
Injured in one leg, poor Lilou has nowhere to take shelter!

180 cans

180 cans

Injured in one leg, poor Lilou has nowhere to take shelter!

In addition to canned food, this collection will allow Lilou to receive a cat shelter if the target is reached.

1. She struggles to move!

Lilou is a wild cat, aged around two years, who has injured a paw. She limps, but there's no fracture as per the observation.

We attempt to treat her by adding tablets to her food, given she is too feral to be caught. Her movements are limited due to her injury, which complicates her survival outdoors...

2. Canned food would allow her to regain strength safely

Canned food would provide nourishing meals to Lilou. Appetising, such a diet would also help her ingest her medication, limiting the risk of infection despite her challenging living conditions.

Appropriate food would also prevent her from having to travel great distances in search of food.

3. She lives outside and has nowhere to go!

Lilou lives outdoors in a very humid place where she can find shelter only under trees. Being exposed to all weathers weakens her a little bit more every day... Given her injury, we worry about her and fear that she may not survive the winter without shelter...

4. A shelter would protect her from the cold and the rain

The shelter which Lilou will receive as a bonus if the canned food collection is successful.

With a shelter, Lilou could find refuge during frigid temperatures and inclement weather. Thus she wouldn't be forced to sleep on the ground in all weather conditions and could recover more readily.

5. We are overwhelmed by the growing costs...

We have numerous rescues to manage, including often very sick or distressed kittens. In addition to socialising these young cats, we have around 80 other cats to feed and care for every day!

The association’s resources are limited, and every additional cat taken into our care adds to the workload and the expenses...

Association Cat Miaou
375 rue du 19 mars 1962
30670 Aigues vives
FR France

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