Poor Suzie was at risk of being left to fend for herself...
288 cans
288 cans
Roucky is a seven-month-old kitten who suffers from congenital dwarfism. He appears to be only three months old, as he has not developed normally. He also suffers from urinary and faecal incontinence. Therefore, we have placed him in a foster home.
Canned food would provide Roucky with the necessary nutrients to regain his strength. It would be a good way for him to stay hydrated and maintain a decent energy level. Even though he will never be the size of a normal kitten his age, such food would help him gain a little weight.
Recently, we trapped 28 cats and kittens in just ten days for sterilisations, which resulted in a lot of expenses. In total, we look after 200 stray cats that we feed every day.
Sadly, many of them are ill or injured. Our resources rely on individual donations, which remain insufficient to cover all the food requirements...