Swollen mouth, excessive drooling, difficulty eating: Pipirou has a severe case of calicivirus!
175 kg
Pellets offered
175 kg
Pellets necessary
Cracotte is an eight-year-old goat, whose elderly owner passed away. Following the lady's death, her family couldn't keep Cracotte. We thus took her in, to prevent her from being abandoned.
With the return of the cold, farm animals tend to weaken more easily. Pellets would be invaluable in helping Cracotte stay fit, despite the harshness of winter.
At the moment, we need to manage a large number of sick cats and are facing substantial financial difficulties. With 46 cats in the cattery and 200 stray cats, we can't manage all the costs!
Although we have sterilisation vouchers, we lack subsidies for daily care and the purchase of food...