Due to a lack of care and insufficient food, Princesse arrived in a pitiful state!
256 cans
256 cans
Gun is a 13-year-old cat, suffering from chronic cat flu. The disease comes back in bouts, as soon as the weather turns too dry or too humid. At the moment, her eyes are watery and she sneezes a lot! Consequently, we are providing her with treatment once again.
Special canned food for senior cats would provide Gun with a nutrient-rich diet, which is easy to consume. This would help bolster her strength and combat the effects of the cat flu. It's also an efficient way for her to take her medication easily.
We’ve encountered significant financial issues following the recent loss of two sponsorships, as many donors are no longer able to support us.
We are preparing to hold additional fundraising events at supermarkets and are aiming to raise greater awareness about our cause by reaching out to the press. However, the current economic climate isn't conducive for donations...