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Pellets for Huggy

At just one year old, little Huggy was headed for the slaughterhouse...
photo association
Pellets for Huggy
At just one year old, little Huggy was headed for the slaughterhouse...

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

At just one year old, little Huggy was headed for the slaughterhouse...

1. She was to be slaughtered...

Huggy is a young one-year-old cow, who we have just taken in to save her from slaughter. She is thin, and needs to regain her health...

2. Pellets would help her gain weight

Pellets would allow Huggy to replenish her energy daily. Rich in vitamins and minerals, such nutritional feed would provide her with a chance to gain weight. This way, she could face the winter more peacefully.

3. Financially, the association is in the red!

During this winter period, and to resist the cold, the nutritional needs of our charges increase. But pellets are expensive!

We currently have about a hundred animals in our care, and with the decrease in sponsorships and donations, we are having difficulties covering all the expenses...

Association Espoir au Galop
565 chemin de la Vierge
14130 Quetteville
FR France

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