Animal Webaction
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photo association

Blankets for Zoulou

Poor Zoulou's teeth are starting to fall out!
photo association
Blankets for Zoulou
Poor Zoulou's teeth are starting to fall out!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Poor Zoulou's teeth are starting to fall out!

1. He is losing his teeth…

Zulu is a kitten, living outdoors. The harsh outdoor life and lack of care have damaged his teeth. Consequently, he is gradually losing his teeth, and finding it increasingly difficult to chew his food.

2. Blankets would keep him warm

A set of blankets would keep Zulu warm. Being able to rest in a cosy spot would be a great comfort to him, especially after nights spent sleeping on the ground…

3. The association is too new to benefit from grants…

Since the formation of the association in July, we've cared for numerous kittens in distress. However, the lack of grants makes it difficult for us to provide them with the necessary care!



Association Les Chats de Dugny
10 rue Louis Pasteur
93440 Dugny
FR France

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