Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 24/12/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Monty

Suffering from gingivitis, Monty is drooling and has swollen gums!
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Canned food for Monty
Suffering from gingivitis, Monty is drooling and has swollen gums!

256 cans

256 cans

Suffering from gingivitis, Monty is drooling and has swollen gums!

1. Struggling to eat...

Monty is a 15-year-old cat with gingivitis. His gums are inflamed and infected, causing him to lose several teeth. Thus, he drools a lot and has difficulty eating...

2. Appropriate canned food would help him regain strength

Food specially designed for elderly cats would allow Monty to eat without difficulty. It would be an opportunity for him to load up on good nutrients daily, while remaining properly hydrated.

3. We're running out!

We're reaching the end of our food supplies, as many cats are in need. With donations being insufficient and irregular, we can't cope without help!

Association Les Chats De QUEAUX
les effes
86150 Queaux
FR France

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