Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 11/01/2025, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Booba

Poor Booba has lost an eye due to an ulcer!
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Canned food for Booba
Poor Booba has lost an eye due to an ulcer!

256 cans

256 cans

Poor Booba has lost an eye due to an ulcer!

1. He lost sight in one eye...

Booba is a one-year-old cat, which we found in a bin when he was a kitten. He was only a month and a half old and had a severe ulcer in one eye. Despite the treatments, it had to be enucleated.

He is now deprived of half of his field of vision, which is a serious handicap... Therefore, we placed him in a foster home.

2. Canned food would help him eat healthily

A balanced and rich diet like canned food would be perfect for Booba. Easy to eat and digest, such food would provide him with the proteins and vitamins he needs to stay strong daily, despite his handicap. It would be truly comforting for him!

3. We're running out of funds...

Between adults and kittens, we have a lot of cats in foster care. Our latest vet bills have been very high, and the trolley operations are insufficient to cover everything. Your help with food would be especially valuable in taking care of our little ones!

Association Les chats de l'Indifférence
340 rue de la Chaussiette
59163 Condé-sur-l'Escau
FR France

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