Fever, dehydration: poor Chouchou was in a critical condition!
288 cans
288 cans
Nessaline is a two-month-old kitten who was found alone near a government building. She was hypothermic and completely dehydrated!
She was then tested positive for giardiasis, a disease caused by an intestinal parasite (which has been treated and cured). As a result of all this, she remains thin and has a growth delay...
Canned food specially designed for kittens would provide Nessaline with a rich diet tailored to her needs. This would help her to gain weight and catch up with her growth. Balanced nutrition would also strengthen her immune system, protecting her from falling ill again.
We currently have several kittens and puppies that need feeding, which requires a lot of time and resources.
We also provide support to carers in difficulty. The few donations received are useful, but they do not cover all the food and veterinary needs!