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Blankets for Chuketta

Purulent eyes, blocked nose: poor Chuketta lives outside with cat flu!
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Blankets for Chuketta
Purulent eyes, blocked nose: poor Chuketta lives outside with cat flu!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Purulent eyes, blocked nose: poor Chuketta lives outside with cat flu!

1. She's ill!

Chuketta is a two-year-old cat, who was abandoned while she was pregnant. She gave birth to three kittens, which she nursed. Currently, she suffers from cat flu, with frequent sneezing and discharges from the eyes and nose...

2. She lives outdoors...

Chuketta lives at a feeding site, near a cemetery. She has no shelter and is often soaked by the rain! Given her current health condition, we are very worried, and fear that she might not survive the winter without shelter...

3. Blankets would keep her warm

With blankets, Chuketta could more easily maintain her body heat this winter. Not having to sleep directly on the wet and cold ground would be a real relief for her! It would also increase her chances of recovering.

4. We're at a dead end!

We need to feed about 200 cats, spread over several sites. Some have been victims of poisoning, which makes their care even more challenging. Without donations or external help, it's becoming very difficult to continue to feed them properly!

Association Les Chats-Pitresdelavi-Ste
33 rue de la Largade
n°463 / 1er étage
13015 Marseille
FR France

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