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Blankets for Grizette

Mouth ulcers, loss of appetite: poor Grizette has a calicivirus!
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Blankets for Grizette
Mouth ulcers, loss of appetite: poor Grizette has a calicivirus!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Mouth ulcers, loss of appetite: poor Grizette has a calicivirus!

1. She has a severe inflammation in her mouth…

Grizette is a two-year-old stray cat who has tragically lost two litters of kittens in succession. They died after catching a disease she carries and has recently displayed symptoms of: calicivirus.

Inflammation and mouth ulcers make it difficult for her to eat. We are therefore giving her treatment to alleviate her discomfort.

2. Blankets would keep her warm

With blankets, Grizette could be safeguarded from the winter chilly drafts and humidity. Wrapped up in throws, she would be able to retain her body heat more easily. This way, she could recover more effectively and be in a healthier condition.

3. We are overwhelmed by the increasing costs…

We have many rescues to manage, including often very sick or distressed kittens. On top of socialising these young cats, we have about 80 other cats to feed and care for every day!

The association's resources are limited and every new intake adds to the workload and the expenses…

Association Cat Miaou
375 rue du 19 mars 1962
30670 Aigues vives
FR France

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