Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 30/12/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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We can't let the strays and those at Ivana's shelter starve to death!

SOS! Ivana has barely any kibble left to feed the hundreds of dogs she cares for on the streets, in the dumps and in her shelter - they're going to starve!
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We can't let the strays and those at Ivana's shelter starve to death!
SOS! Ivana has barely any kibble left to feed the hundreds of dogs she cares for on the streets, in the dumps and in her shelter - they're going to starve!

1,900 kg
Dry food offered

1,900 kg
Dry food necessary

Participate in confidence

Animal Webaction visited the site 15 December 2024 and confirms the situation described below.

1. In North Macedonia, Ivana is running out of kibble to feed 150 dogs from the streets and public dumps: they will starve if no one steps in!


"Our organization takes care of stray dogs across several neighborhoods in Skopje, in the streets and at the dump. In the streets, the number of dogs remains somewhat stable, but at the dump, it's a different story: the situation is constantly changing, and you never know what to expect. Dogs keep arriving, often abandoned by people, and they reproduce. We don’t have the means or resources to catch them all and spay or neuter them! It’s an endless cycle.

Life at the dump is already hard in normal times, but in winter, it’s a nightmare. The cold is biting, and the dogs have no real shelter. They try to hide under old sofas or debris... I try to split the kibble I have between the dump, the streets, and the shelter, but it’s a drop in the ocean. For the past month, I’ve only been able to visit the dump once a week, and what I bring isn’t enough. There are just too many dogs...

I’m doing my best, but I feel defeated. I wish I could offer them a different life, a bit of relief, more food—especially now. For them, winter isn’t magical or joyful. For them, it’s just a fight for survival. A fight many will lose without this kibble..."

2. The 70 dogs living at Ivana’s shelter are already not eating enough : they won’t survive a prolonged lack of kibble!


"In recent weeks, we’ve rescued so many dogs in terrible condition. Exhausted, sick... Some had almost no fur left, just skin and bones. Being safe at the shelter is a big step forward, but it’s not enough! These dogs are so fragile that they can’t afford to miss a single meal.

But right now, things at the shelter are really tough. With the cold, the dogs are more tense and on edge. You can see it—they’re less tolerant of each other, their nerves are frayed. If we run out of kibble, it’ll be a disaster. The stronger dogs will turn on the weaker ones...

I’m scared—really scared for them. They’ve already survived the unimaginable, but now I can’t meet their basic needs. They risk losing everything again..."

3. Shumi was saved just in time: gravely ill and weakened, he desperately needs kibble to recover.


"Shumi is about 2 or 3 years old. We found him in a small village near the mountains, frozen and barely alive from hypothermia... He was on the brink of death from the cold. Now, he’s fighting leishmaniasis and heartworm, undergoing treatment for both at the same time.

We’re doing everything we can to help him regain his health. We want it to happen quickly, but between the climate, his new environment, and his illnesses, the road is full of challenges. He’s fighting to stay alive and recover. But to do that, he needs strength. And to gain strength, he needs kibble."

4. Plummeting donations, crushing vet bills: Ivana can’t buy kibble and can’t bear to see the dogs go hungry.


"In recent weeks, our rescue efforts have caused our vet bills to skyrocket. We’ve made several calls for help, but with the holidays approaching, many families are already struggling to make ends meet. The result: donations have been very low.

Now, I’m struggling to buy food for the dogs. As for winter supplies like blankets or straw, we’re desperately short of those too. Our funds are stretched too thin to cover everything... If nothing changes, I’ll have to make tough decisions: refusing some rescues, postponing surgeries, or canceling planned treatments.

But what worries me the most is the kibble. Not knowing if I’ll be able to feed the dogs next week is an enormous stress—and it’s unbearable. These dogs don’t ask for much... Giving them enough to eat shouldn’t be this hard!"

5. Ivana isn’t asking for money, just kibble to stop the dogs from starving.


"Animal protection isn’t just a job for me—it’s my calling. I’ve been dedicated to this mission for over 15 years. But it’s only been in the past eight years that we were finally able to open our own shelter. That was a turning point: thanks to this place, we’ve been able to save more dogs and provide the safety and care they desperately need.

This shelter is more than just a refuge for dogs. It plays a vital role in the community: beyond protecting the dogs, we help prevent epidemics like distemper or parvovirus. With our sterilization program, we work throughout Skopje, not just nearby. I believe people see the impact of our work and know they can rely on us.

Every dog saved or adopted is a victory. The joy it brings is indescribable—pure happiness, like a child’s delight on Christmas morning. Recently, some dogs who had been with us for over two years finally found homes. Watching them leave to live the lives they deserve is incomparable. It’s for moments like these that I do all of this."

6. If this campaign succeeds, Ivana will not receive any money but 1900 kg of kibble, delivered from Animal Webaction's logistics platform in Macedonia.

Picture taken by Animal Webaction on the 09 April

Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Macedonia which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.

7. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail.

Liste des récoltes échouées

When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded. 

8. In Macedonia, neither the state nor the population wants to help the abandoned dogs. A lot of animals are left to die outside, there is no care for them.


If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Ivana, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.

If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Ivana's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!

If you want to come to Ivana's shelter to help her or if you want to send her directly some kibbles or a check, contact Ivana via Facebook (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).

9. If you make a purchase on Animal Webaction, it will be protected by our guarantees.

Safe payment

100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card

Verified action

We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter


Sending kibbles

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf

Delivery tracking

We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures

Satisfied buyers

Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews)


Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 13 years

Association Civic Initiative Kane Korzo Nadez Skopje
Bul. Jane Sandanski 60-2/1, Skopje, North Macedonia
1000 Skopje
MK L'ex-République Yougoslave de Macédoine
Contact the beneficiary

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