Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 22/01/2025, discover the delivery pictures.
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Pellets for Divine

Poor Divine has very damaged hooves...
photo association
Pellets for Divine
Poor Divine has very damaged hooves...

175 kg
Pellets offered

175 kg
Pellets necessary

Poor Divine has very damaged hooves...

1. She struggles to walk...

Divine is an 11-year-old goat, who we took in when she was just a kid. Sadly, she has always suffered from soft and damaged hooves, despite the intervention of the podiatrist. Walking is really difficult for her!

2. Pellets could provide her with much-needed energy

To make it through this winter, Divine will need some supplementary feed. Pellets would be perfect for her. They would allow her to stock up on vitamins and minerals, and provide her with the energy she needs daily to live with her disability.

3. We have lost valuable support...

We are undergoing substantial financial difficulties since losing two sponsorships recently, as many donors no longer have the means to support us.

We are planning to organise new collections at supermarkets and try to raise more awareness of our cause through the media. However, the current economic climate does not favour donations...

Association 4 Sabots et un Fer
Le Hubert
61190 Saint-Maurice-lès-Charencey
FR France
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